Ingredinets for the most creative
To meet bets the need of the most creative professionals like you, we found precious allies to customize your products.
Bran, middlings, wheat germ, products obtained by grinding other grains or legumes: you can create tasty options and surprising your customers.
A proteic part of wheat, obtained by extraction, which gives the dough more binding power.
Use it to increase toughness and improve the dough's tolerance to processing.
Dark flour milled from rye grains of German origin. Use it mixed with other flours to prepare sweet and savoury baked goods.
Use it for the production of black bread with dense alveolation and rich flavour, which keeps for a long time.
Fine flour obtained by grinding oat flakes following a steaming process..
Use it in a mixture with wheat and other cereal flours for bakery, pastry and biscuit products.